
By Cairistiona1

By the hair on my chiny chin chin...

... I know that comes from a kid's rhyme... but I can't for the life of me remember which one. was it the three little pigs? Jeez that's awful!

Memory is a funny thing. I've always been pretty good at remembering trivia like who hates tomatoes, who will eat eggs and who won't, which box the lemon zester was packed in during the move and where I put the screws for the dining room table... but I've always been useless at remembering the names of tracks, which album they are on and which CD box I can find them in. (That last one's not as daft as it sounds. Someone has them in boxes coded by genre and then by artist). But I digress. Over the past few months it all went to the dogs. Everything. Not just the music... which I have a man to do for me anyway. I guess it just wasn't important enough for a while.

Anyway, the man never made it home last night. They waited until late afternoon before they cancelled the flight. Luckily he had the foresight to book himself in for another night on spec, but it did mean that he could only get one of those horrible nasty little rooms in the basement beside the lifts and boilers. Was better than a night in the airport though. Flights seem pretty normal today. As far as I know he is in the air above London at this moment. (He's also bringing back a whole heap of leaf tea that the guy we met in China brought over for us. (More about that tomorrow.).

Oh and a trip to the butcher's led to a possible photo op. S is having his back waxed for charity in the village pub in a couple of weeks. Open house. He's never had it done before. Now that's what I call brave!

Otherwise pretty humdrum. The weather sucks. It's grey and overcast again. No wind today. Caught J in the post office when he was in for his lunch. He told me that one of the roads outside the village is still blocked because of fallen trees. The cats have a penchant for butter tablet and keep pinching my bag. Pogle likes to sit on my shoulder while I'm trying to text and my phone signal has been rubbish since the electricity went down so I have to keep running up the stairs to send messages.

Almost forgot. Posted a couple of the man's video clips on the net - the cats doing daft stuff and the daughter.


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