
By Poppy

Des Res!

I have blipped this old ruin before.. It has been for sale for a while, and as I walk passed it nearly every day I feel sorry for it, just gently deteriorating . . . . This is the front garden, complete with bluebells and rhubarb!

It has stood at the top of the hill for the last 170 years, so I don't expect it will fall down completely in the next short while, but after the horrendous gales of the last few days I was surprised that not a single stone seemed to have moved.

The wooden seating in the back garden, the car and the house windows are all still covered in a fine layer of volcanic ash. Hopefully all the rain today will help wash it off!

Working in the craft shop this morning. Lots of lovely tourists about, do so enjoy talking to them and hearing their stories. Tourists of our own coming tomorrow - four visitors for a week!

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