Flat tyre

Following all that go / no go stuff mentioned in yesterday's blip, it ended up being a nightmare journey ... low point of which was this burst tyre on the M6 motorway. Spending an hour on the hard shoulder with trucks screaming past at 70mph inches away with a stallion in the lorry isn't fun .... really just want to all get out of there safely and kind of made the fact that we looked like missing the grading event we were heading for seem of little importance.

Well the tyre got replaced in due course and we ploughed on and arrived at the venue just in time to make the last slot of the day ... and seeing as its a once a year event decided to have a go anyway ... so Johanna took Jensen from ramp to ring and he passed his grading!

Then we all slept very very very well before heading home ...

P.S. the guy on the emergency line did ask me "What sex is your stallion" ... eh? he's a stallion ... that kind of gives it away doesn't it?

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