fovea centralis

By fovea


A tall, beautiful Oak. A Post Oak. I can tell by the leaves and the bark (and confirmation via Wikipedia). Did you know there are over 600 species to the genus Quercus (oak)? And that a Live Oak isn't one kind of Oak tree in particular, but a variety of Oak trees that are spread out across the genus that have the characteristic evergreen quality in common.

Hooray for wiki and fun facts.

Moving in two days! The only sad thing is that we are moving away from a lot of beautiful trees into a more urbanscape area. Oh well, we'll be near a park.

thanks for the comments on my cloud shot yesterday. it was a crazy storm. a tornado touched down no to far from here, but we just had rain and hail. Oh and lots of thunder and lightning. The sun was shinning in our faces today, though.

Happy Wednesday. Hug a tree!


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