i feel super.

Older and none the wiser....

When I got my hair cut, the hairdresser did a quite horrific job on my fringe, so I pretty much looked like this (but less pink)
'how do you like it?' she asked
'I look like my niece'
'But you look so young' said Julia, later
'my niece is 6' I reply.

anyway, I wasn't very cross as my hair grows very quickly, because before take a replica nerd shot, my fringe looks fine and my gogglemask is more superhero than nerd anyway.

What else? On present has been withheld so far, which has stopped me spending the day taking lomo pictures has left me wondering what it might be.

and, as a little birthday treat, I've discovered little moth lavae in my carpet eating it which is fantastically gross so I've been vacuuming the evil buggers up. Next stop: inform the landlord we need new carpets. Or better still, no carpets, it's a horrible Idea, most of the house is boards.

No actually, I might transport the little bugs onto the bathroom carpet and encourage them to eat that first, the only thing worst that carpet is carpet in the bathroom. Especially the yellow bits.

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