
I've not blipped since the weekend - I have been so so busy. I'll try and catch up tomorrow.
I got up really early so that I could catch up on all the admin that's been building up. I still didn't manage to get everything done. I went to work quite early too and the day just flew by. A couple of my final year students had their last exam today and popped into my office to say good-bye. I think they're trying to fatten me up as they came with choccies. It's always sad saying goodbye.
I was home in time to pick up the girls from school. When my son came home from school he announced that he had been awarded a 'gold' for the UK Junior Maths Challenge. He was pleased as punch (only 15% of the children that participate are awarded a 'gold' certificate (that's what he told me !!)).
It's been a busy, busy day so I'm now going to sit back and relax with a glass of wine that my student gave me.

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