World Through My Eyes

By littleartemis


Woke up this morning to my dog trying to snuggle into my bed with me, she is so cute!

Was meant to go to my friend's lecture today, but overslept so didn't make it, met up with an old friend I hadn't seen since high school finished today. Class was pretty boring, except for the psycho guy in my class got stood up to by two other people. All semester he has been difficult and just nasty to the other people in the class. Finally got stood up to today and was incredibly quiet after my friend gave him a telling off.

Walked home in the dark as I do every day. For some reason as I was walking up my road today I felt kind of creeped out, but that might have been because a couple of the street lamps had blown out so most of the road was in darkness...pretty freaky haha

There was a pile of wood on the side of our driveway, I reckon this looks like those fairy tale mushrooms that have fairies, the type we all dream about when we were kids. It looks a little mystical.

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