Everyday Memoirs

By ShutterBug

Chagrin & Wrath..

Anger is one letter short of danger.
--Author Unknown

Criticism really used to hurt me. Most of these critics are usually frustrated artists, and they criticise other people's art because they can't do it themselves. It's a really disgusting job. They must feel horrible inside.
--Rosanna Arquette

Disappointment to a noble soul is what cold water is to burning metal; it strengthens, tempers, intensifies, but never destroys it.
--Eliza Tabor

sitting here, in your house,
shamed by you, but guilty of nothing I'm reality,
I'm silenced to reasons I'm not so sure about,
and I sit here with the pressure of being pushed away,
creeping up on me.
what a nightmare,
living with the wanting of it to be real,
knowing we could be,
feeling we can't,
I face these days with doubt and annoyance,
right now I feel I can only rely on me,
and staring at you now,
hearing you screaming from your head,
I ignore the pleads of my own mind,
to figure your also strained by your own twisted veins,
your eyes bulge and search for help
yet your voice and brain keep you tied tight
and locked in a box stuffed of malice and grief,
evermore it locks you in your own mind
so deep you can't see light
and in our reality while your stuck in your mind,
I suffer in the real world being broken down cell by cell

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