jeni and the beans

By themessymama

This and that

Been very much a this and that kind of day. Ben decided to have an extraordinarily long lie-in this morning, so I slept too. Which was potentially a mistake because I woke up way too hungry and feel like I've been playing catch-up a bit all day since.

It's not been a bad day though, apart from trying to balance hunger/eating which frankly I appear to be just rubbish at doing, I've even made dutch apple cake (thanks to Cornish Blonde for the recipe!) It's cooling. I am drooling at the thought of biting into a piece.

These roses are outside our living room window. They are being rather prolific this year, an abundance of buds have produced an abundance of blooms and they are just so beautiful. Ben has been playing his drums again, and this afternoon he demanded I tidy up ("Ben wait for mummy, mummy tidy up") so that he could play with his trains. I don't really mind, at least the living room is slightly less of a bomb-site.

Off to swimming in a bit. Hopefully Ben'll cope, given his long lie-in this morning he's not wanted a sleep today so I'm hoping he won't get too tired during the lesson. Steve on the other hand is probably still in the pub, it's his boss's last day today so I doubt very much actual work will have been done!

Last night was special. The little wrigglybean was wriggling away and I had my hand on my tummy wondering if Steve'd be able to feel any of these kicks and wriggles when pop my hand was kicked. And so Steve put his hand on my belly... and sure enough wrigglybean was wriggling and kicking and Steve was actually able to feel it!!! Now that was special. A far cry from last Sunday when I described it as a tiny angry gnome kickboxing my uterus. It's no longer a tiny angry gnome, it's a real live wriggly baby bean :)

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