Northern Exposure

By Northern

Yup, it's Spring!

After yesterdays 'Nearly Spring' I can confirm that today it was here for sure.

Spent most of the day rearranging compost and soil and tyres and other stuff for a wee experiment we're trying this year. I'll maybe blip it tomorrow.

In between all this activity the boys and I took a wee wander up the road to where a Ploughing Match was being held. Tractors and folk in boiler suits and wellies had been going past all morning so we thought we'd best go and see what all the fuss was about.

Hmmm, can't say it's the most exciting of spectator sports. Lots of earth, and people looking very seriously at bits of string and sharp pointy ploughs. But not really the adrenalin rush of a penalty shoot out or a photo finish. I doubt I'll be rushing to the next match.

I have no idea who won, or how they won for that matter!

But the ploughmen seemed to enjoy themselves... I think.

Smell Diary

One thing a ploughing match does do is offer a multitude of smells. Something strangely appealing about fresh turned damp earth, diesel, trampled grass and warm metal. If memory is linked strongly to smell will I forever more think of those smells as the first signs of Spring?

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