Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones

Cheeky Chappies

Great fun was had, charging up and down amidst unsuspecting coffee drinkers, switching off the display fridges, posting Mr man books through air-vents. Thankfully, nobody seemed to mind and all of these antics only brought smiles of understanding from a very child-friendly cafe. (NB jumpingbean I think it's the one your friend is involved with. Thumbs up from me!) Having said that, there is only so much chasing us Mothers can do, so off to the park we went to let off steam and charge about in a less hazardous environment.

My young lad seemed to be captivated by little chappy on the left, who is a bit older and a very pleasant young fellow - a great role model who is full of smiles and energy (and is also a bit of a genius). Little chappy's younger brother (on the right) is also very pleasant, a confident little man who seems very chilled and contented. I can foresee lots more fun being had with these two and their legend of a Mum :D

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