michigan man

By outdoorguy

Red-winged Blackbird

Baa-baa blackbird...have you any wool?
No sir, no sir, you're a fool.

The red -winged blackbird is fiercely aggressive. Maybe that's too strong. They are highly protective. I have never seen one of their nests. I don't know if they build them in the trees or in the cattails thay are always hanging around. I'm always amazed at the teeny little shoots that they can land on.

This mother was not too happy to have me walking by. She showed her dis-pleasure by hovering over my head, and by landing on the top of the wooden walkway that is in this area. When she landed, she "talked" to me, and it was'nt a pretty tune. I tried to explain to her that this was a public walkway. A part of my tax dollar makes this possible. She was'nt buying it. After a few pictures...like most men...I let her have her way.

In the pond, I've seen them dive-bomb entire families of geese and ducks. They just don't like anybody in their space.

When I was in Florida I visited a bird rookery in Venice. The first time, my dad and I saw 3-4 nests of blue herons. The second time I went, it had increased to 7 blue heron nests. The third time, I saw 5 different nests of anhingas. EVERYBIRDY was co-existing on the small island. We did'nt hardly see any "conversations" between the herons. anhingas. and both small and large egrets. Almost Eden-like. They even "warned" each other when the resident alligator approached. Such co-operation.

The red-winged blackbird could learn from those lessons. They must have missed that early class in life about sharing. All I want to do is walk by. LET ME HAVE MY SPACE!!!

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