X Sighted

By q8rdave

Disparate Housecats of Daytona Beach, episode 3

To amuse themselves (if Dave has relinquished fulfilling his raison d'etre which is to constantly entertain them) Mirl and Sidd pantomime song lyrics. Cats, as many of you cat slaves already know, LOVE song lyrics. Fortunately, as was noted in episode 2 of Disparate Housecats, the boys are NOT gay ("Not that there is anything wrong with being gay and we have several friends who are gay." Mirl says.) and, therefore, the lyrics they enjoy are not those of show tunes (with the exception of Rocky Horror Picture Show - they really get into "it's just a jump to the left..."). They prefer the toothsome lyrics by Talking Heads or Peter Gabriel or The Pixies. Here they are acting out the third stanza of the classic Morrissey song The More You Ignore Me, the Closer I Get. When questioned about this evening's selection, Sidd pointed out that the interesting aspect of the relationship to which reference is made in the lyric is that to ignore someone requires volition and, so, is a conscious effort. Mirl added that given that thought process of the ignorer, the ignoree would only get "closer" the longer he was ignored. "In a strange way," he notes, "it is an act of increasing intimacy which is Morrissey's point." The cats truly respect the clever intertwining of substantial psychological observation into Morrissey's pop songs. Mirl in the upper left is very actively attempting to catch the attention of Sidd who is doing his part by ignoring Mirl. Poor, poor pussies - so misunderstood.

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