
By Mememe

Whatever Next !

Saw this today and immediately thought I would have to photo it, maybe even blip it. My first thoughts were well whatever next, and the brain was off at a tangent thinking of nappy style pads! I actually think that these are pads to go on the floor, BUT I didn't look too closely.

{Thelma a neighbour of ours in Helensburgh, Scotland used to put a pair of boxer shorts on her dog when she was in season, with the tail out the flies.}

Since taking this we have got back home and the tits are squawking away on the fat ball feeder, the babies sitting close and the parents working like made to feed them. I have taken a few shots but there is nothing that I liked enough to make me change my mind re this.

It is Saturday and a long weekend as a Bank Holiday on Monday, whoopee, or maybe not

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