Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

Dehydrated ...

This Saturday will be remembered because of the 8 am to 1 pm invigilation duty I had. It was followed by a substandard lunch and an hour long discussion with Asher, a colleague and photography buddy. He and I took the photography course together last year despite the fact that we had been shooting pictures before that too. He uses a D90 and I use a D3100. His photography skills are superb. We generally talked about politics, religion, but mostly about photography. I would have loved to summarize the discussion we had, but after a long day, I will keep this short.

Check out his work on flickr. He travels much more than I do, so his photography portfolio is much more diverse than mine. He is very good!!

There was a time when I had wanted to photograph bees but now whenever I feel I am too tired to think, I just pick up my camera and head towards the lemon tree in the garden ... How boring !!!!! *grumbling*

Check out my bee blips. I must say the first one is probably the best out of the four.

For the record, the weather today was in the range of 29 to 42 degree Celsius with 31% humidity.

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