mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Scar Face

Hopefully not! Little baby nails are like needles and Logan managed to scratch his little face :( I have now cut his nails but also keeping the scratch mitts on for now. Poor wee sausage.

We had a bit of a difficult night last night as Logan's feed times got a little messed up yesterday. Anyway this resulted in our plans being a little bit off this morning. Other than popping out to the shops we spent the rest of the day at home.

Aidan seems to be teething as he's had rosy cheeks and been a bit off. He's still been in relatively good spirits and has played nicely all day. We did lots of dancing to the Jo Jingles CD this afternoon too. I tried to get Aidan to dance to the Monkey Music CD as Jo Jingles is really starting to grate on me. However after every song Aidan looked at me and said 'Jo?', so I had to put it on.

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