
By Hattie

Well the past two days have been so hectic i didn't get round to doing any of the things i wanted to.. i am so convinced there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done it was a tight squeeze to get everything completed, but in the process of doing everything i never had time to upload of even take any photo's for my daily blip!

But this morning i got up and i thought i would go for a run and seeing as i live like opposite a huge park and it was rather early and the sun was shining then it disappeared and the rest of the day was cold and miserable even though it was freezing when i went for my run haha i thought i would take a picture of the sun rising and i have sunsets and this is the only picture of the sun rising..not one of my best pictures to be honest but hey ho they will get better i promise.

Erm nothing else much to say really but i will get my blip back on the go uploading pictures every day again starting with this one..and the photo's will get batter haha i just really didn't know what to take a photo of, and i don't really know how it can relate...erm apart from the sun rising = a new start on this blip idea :) haha maybe too much thought into that one haha

Enjoy xxx

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