Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Summerly in The Hague

NOt very warm summerly today but the light and atmosphere were all so truly summerly. And down town The Hague there is the annual market for the people who origin from Indonesia; for half a century this market was named Pasar Malam and that name referred to happy reunions and spicy foods and krontjong music - a week of sheer Indonesians highlights on the city's central  greens and Indo's coming from all corners of The Netherlands to go out and celebrate Indonesian joys, foods, musics, crafts, products of all kinds.
So I bumped into a crowd of visitors of this annual market. I'd rather spend a few more hours there and in companion so I moved onwards.

A few streets into town I ended up on the weekly summerly Bric à Brac of The Hague - antiques and old things on display and for sale. Just marvelling various items and enjoying the relaxed and pleasant atmosphere there. Two musicians singing 60-ies & 70-ies lyrics and playing their guitars. And then this scene that I enter as blip for today - for me it's so much like a scene from France, totally enjoyed feeling like being there that moment......

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