And relaaax...

Second back-Blip of the day and this is from Saturday. This is Mrs P just after a short nap following her three-plus hours of spa pampering. The hotel had these huge beds covered in luxurious pillows and a lovely soft duvet, and she agreed to be photographed! This is UNHEARD OF in my experience, so I knew I needed to do a good job. Turned out to be one of my favourite pictures of the last few months. I'm really pleased with it, and Mrs P even agreed that I was allowed to use it for my Blip!!! I'm still in shock.

I thought I'd better get it uploaded fairly quickly before she changes her mind as she can go from pussy cat to dragon and back again in seconds. Thankfully she's not on Facebook or Twitter so she won't read this (and you won't tell her, will you, kids?!?)

Back-Blip for Friday

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