New bike!

Ben's new-old bike came to church this morning. I was just a teeny bit excited when Elaine told me it was in their car! And then I was EVEN MORE excited when she brought it in and it was a wooden one!!! This summer was to be the year of the balance bike, and I really wanted to get Ben a wooden one. But when Elaine said that Ben could have the one that their son didn't enjoy, I was really happy. Somehow I just expected it would be a regular plastic one, I don't know why. So when this beautiful wooden thing trundled in - SUPER-EXCITED MUMMY!!!!

Ben didn't really grasp that it was his so there was none of this I'm-not-sharing nonsense going on, and Ede and Nathaniel had a good play on it as well, riding round and round in the hall after church. I was ever so slightly aware of the "absolutely no bicycles in the school building" sign outside....

But now we've adjusted the seat height so that Ben can balance on it properly, he's started trundling up and down the hall from the front door through to the kitchen and back again. Once he's more used to the bike and is getting up a bit more speed I'll kick him out into the garden for more practise and when he's more confident on it we can ride down to the park on it perhaps.

I failed at getting any decent pictures of him on it though. Too many obstacles in our house, too many corners. And then just as I was about to get a good picture, Ben got up and started drumming instead.

"Can you sit on your bike so that mummy can take a picture of you on it?"

"Er, no. Take picture Ben drumming!"

So I tried at that one as well. And the above is what I managed to get. Should've really put the 28mm lens on.... might not've ended up chopping Ben's head off. Ah well!

In other news, I had the best nap ever this afternoon. Particularly because Ben had decided that actually he wasn't tired and didn't need a nap. So I went to bed without him! I think that Steve and Ben must have been doing a lot of drumming while I was asleep because it invaded my dreams and I learnt a "pirate-diddle" (different from a "paradiddle") while I was asleep. I woke up a bit addled. And hungry, as usual. But I can still remember the pirate-diddle rhythm.

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