
By Rab


We left St Maarten and now we have 6 days at sea, crossing the Atlantic, before we reach Madeira on Saturday. Sea Days usually mean a lot more work for us in the Casino, but on this particular ship, we are pretty quiet. So on the work front, I promise, you will hear no gripes from me this contract. On the plus side, I will be learning a hell of a lot, as I will basically be covering for the Manager, therefore running the Casino while he is not here. But we do close pretty early, so I will finish in plenty of time to make the Crew Bar(don't know if that counts as a plus or a minus). Another good thing is, my manager couldn't be nicer. Friendly, knowledgable, easy going, and willing to advise me whenever I need it. I couldn't really ask for more.

Probably my first sunset shot of many, and I will soon be posting with the new toy I bought yesterday.

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