Inarticulate Boy Wonder

By 0neTenthHero

Loch Rannoch

So, you look forward for ages to a long weekend break in early summer. And when it finally arrives what happens? You come down with the worst case of man-flu ever known to humanity as temperatures plummet, winds increase and the rain only pours when you decide to set foot outside. Am I bitter ... nah! Not after a day like today.

We decided to go on a quest to find one of Britain's most remote train stations. I have to emphasize - I am not a trainspotter and neither is anyone in my family. But I have two kids who love Harry Potter and Rannoch Station was used as Hogwarts station in the movies. Unfortunately, after only about 30 minutes of narrow, winding roads our youngest son decided to remind us what he'd had for breakfast. Ah, the joys of parenthood.

Did this put an end to our quest? Of course not! We just turned around, headed back to the flat in Aberfeldy, showered, changed, carefully reloaded stomachs and headed back (with me driving this time - I'm saying nothing more!) along an amazingly scenic road past Schiehallion, then through Kinloch Rannoch along very narrow, beautiful road towards our destination. And once you're there, there's no road left.

We made it. It was wild and desolate and gave me some pictures I'm pretty happy with. So - worth all the effort. Then on the way back, as another downpour began to subside, this scene came into view so I jumped out and blipped.

We got back to the flat without any more hurling episodes. After dinner, we lit the log fire, flopped on the couch and watched a movie with about 30 seconds footage shot at the station we'd just visited.

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