Cwrw Croyw

By cwrwcroyw


Went to Vancouver today for another Over 40s game of rugby.

We, The Legends, were playing the Evergreens in the annual game for the Goose Cup trophy that has eluded us Legends for five years or more. Today we came out victorious much to our delight despite a close game.

This was the scene just after half time. John B had been tackled quite hard and suffered a bloody nose. This is not stage blood (as in Harlequins!)

You would think that in this league particularly, a well equipped medical kit would be a must, but strangely that was not the case. We made do by tearing grass from the field and stuffing as much as we could up his nose to form a grass tamponade to stop the bleeding.

It worked, we were all inspired and we retook the Goose cup.

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