
Quite a doggy day today,

Up early with Charlie, spotted this flower had just popped open in the morning sunlight and blipmarked it for later

Had to take Zac for a check up at the vets, on his neck lump, so far so good, back in a fortnight, (or sooner if any deterioration) as he is off all medication now!

Half way there the heavens opened and I was worried for my poor poppy and when I got home it was very bedraggled, but an hour or so later it is making an effort although I did have to pull a snail off one of the petals!! And we had hail here, ds2 braved it to get the washing off the line!!

I am absolutely thrilled with this, just a small crop and a teeny tweek of contrast to try and bring up the water drops, but definitely thrilled!! :D

Try it large!

Do brace yourselves for a few more poppy blips, there are six buds I think, I can't see me passing up such an easy blip! Snails and hail permitting of course!

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