just allan

By allan

Playing The Bridge

Dashnelli (otherwise known as Iain and Mark) at Belhaven Bay today. I was delighted the boys asked me to help out with their publicity shots for their band. So after a late one with Iain yesterday involving lots of guitars, wine and singing (yes, singing), Mark came over and we went with it. The basic idea for the shoot was them doing their thing in incongruous situations. When we got to Belhaven and the tide was in, we layered incongruous on top of weird as the "bridge to nowhere" became their stage.

And then the frogman. Well, as they rolled up their trousers for the wade out to the bridge, this guy was preparing to swim along the coast. The lads had no idea he was walking past and I kept the shutter button down as he walked through the frame, bringing some surreal on top of the incongruous on top of weird. Wonderful, funny, unique.

There's more pictures from today on Flickr.

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