Don?t Know Nuffink

By Mrski1


You know the routine by now, up early, jump in car, drive, pick up Phoebe!!

We got down to Sam's just in time to have some lunch before she headed off to work, myself and Phoebe then headed out to view a car to replace my Fiesta, unfortunately the gearbox wasn't great, and as it happened Phoebe didn't think too much of it anyway! We then popped over to Kikis Kabin as the weather was windy and raining, Phoebe as usual demanding that I chase her around, not that I was complaining as I find it great fun! This time I would chase her down the slide's as she went on her belly backwards, I would go forwards, cue lots of ear splittingly loud screaming and hysterics :)

Towards then end of our two hours (was it really two hours? That passed quickly!), we had a bit of a crash going down the slide, Phoebe stopped half way and I kept going, I also had my mouth slightly open and my top teeth caught the top of Phoebe's head, resulting in instant tears and some numb teeth, however as soon as the tears began they stopped as Phoebe spotted something else to play with.

I took a completely shattered Phoebe home for tea, venison pie, then afterwards we went outside to have a look at the Berghaus campervan that Joss has from her work. Its a superb thing, I've had an idea of a van / camper for a while now and this just made me want one even more. Phoebe loved it too, she sat in every seat with the seatbelt on, opened every drawer, unit, and window, asked for the blinds to be closed and the lights turned on and even had a shot in the roof bed, after all of this Phoebe declared she wanted me to drive on holiday right away, if only I could have done!

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