
By Cairistiona1


The daughter went back to Glasgow today complete with sparkly dress, shiny shoes and all her buttons in the right place. (She really is quite low maintenance. I wanted to get her some nice sparkly crystal earrings but she opted for a set made out of coloured buttons....)! Anyway, it's her grad ball tonight and I hope she has fun. Enjoy!

Otherwise spent the afternoon grass cutting. The prep for that is normally a chore that I dislike, but today I really hated it. A small collared dove had died and was lying on the grass. It wasn't as simple as picking her up though. She was all tangled up in some twigs that needed cleared away. Didn't enjoy that. Didn't want to blip it either. Not nice.

Still, I did it and did not run in to get the man to do it for me. (He's nae weel with the same virus the daughter had last week and I'm sure he doesn't me going all girlie on him about stuff like that).

Not sure about the contact lenses. My eyes don't feel so comfortable the day after I've had them in for a bit. Nothing wrong, just not right... if that makes any sense at all. I know the guy said I would desensitize to them but that's not the only problem. How are you meant to see the stupid things when you don't have them in? Sure you can get he first one in if you wear your glasses until you find it, but how do you make sure that you're putting it on the right way? Apparently it's meant to look like a flat bowl but well, if I can't see the lens....

Shall persevere for a while yet I think... but still need convinced.

Other than that today was just general pottering about but it didn't leave much time to take pics - so you have a small geranium type flower that that escaped the lawnmower.

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