rob the ritch

By robtherich


I dont know how to spell it,but thats what they call it here.The new leaves turn red
on this plant then turn green.
My son and myself went to PEEBLES a border town about ninety minutes from
EDINBURGH by bus.When the bus came,it was a double decker so went up stairs to the front.On journeys like this I take a photo every few minutes, to play back on the T.V when I get home.I was hoping to get a good one for my journal.
Unfortunately after one hour on the road the bus hit a cyclist. He was badly injured
and was flung into the side of the road.We were there for about two hours.Even though we were in the middle of nowhere.When the police found out that I had being
taken photographs thy kept my memory card. I had taken a photo just before we
had hit him. With every photo timed thy would be able to work out how fast the bus was going.That is how I was not able to show a blip yesterday.When I get the chip
back I will hope that can show something.
I phoned the police today but thy said thy could not say anything.

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