The Pondering Nomad

By PonderingNomad


Had a good day really today. Not only did I get alot of odd jobs done that I really didn't want to do, I went to test ride a bicycle too. Yep, that's me converted to the joys of single speed (with a flip flop hub for a fixie). I collect it next Tuesday so I have a whole week to fidget about awaiting its arrival.

However, I'm feeling a wee bit sad this evening and uninspired with photos. Had to dig yet another grave for my other rat, Jack, who was never the same since Dylan died the other week. They lived a grand ole life of nearly 3 years, but after cleaning out the cage and tidying away all their toys that scattered about the flat, it all seems rather....quiet really.

Got lots of end of month paperwork to do, so as I was putting a paper roll into my calculator I found myself playing with it instead (I don't like paperwork), and so as a desparate Blip here is a shadow of me not doing what I should be.

Heyho...Tomorrow brings a new month.

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