This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Well, today happened whether we wanted it to or not.

April's Groove On compilation saved me on the way home from the airport. I sang and wiped tears from my eyes as I drove. I went straight to my studio, I couldn't go home. I saw some studio mates and then hung two new works from our series, "a question of chemistry" in the back Vault gallery at the Underground. The paintings just popped under the gallery lights. I am so proud of this body of work and so pleased that we were able to work together in a such a way and produce something meaningful and important. Opening the door to my studio was difficult, something was missing. There were so many reminders and not just the paintings. I am grateful for every orange and white brush splatter on the wall and floor of my studio...

I can't wait to paint together again.
(and sing)

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