
By covet

In other news

Having survived last nights bat survey, I was not quite ready to wake up this morning - but genuinely was delighted to go out on a site visit... Looking at waste! Good to put all those years of studying law to good use(!). And what a pleasant feeling to walk out the door at 4pm to go home to nap! Nice also to see Andy during the day, before he went to work. I feel i made the most of the 20 minutes with him - I ordered our weekly grocery shop online, and he informed me that my golf/site visit sweater "pure reeked" as a result of a leaky water bottle incident in my bag yesterday. We are nothing but romantic.
And tonight, another bat survey. Random woodland round about the magnificent Falkirk Wheel. As my sister asked tonight, what else is new / hows other things? I had to reply I have no news. Only bats. Likely I will do little else this week.

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