jez' pics

By snappinjez

Self portrait, with Dougal.

Today I woke up thinking about squash, getting back on court doing some training and finally putting this damn injury behind me (I tore my Achilles heel last year).

Fears of repeat injuries, listening to too many horror stories and the understandable fears of loved ones, fear in general has been stopping me from getting back to it. I'm wondering now if I'm just making it harder to get back by using the "it's too soon" argument...

I got the OK from my physio a few months ago, but ended up doing too much too soon, but have definitely learned from that experience. My ankle feels stronger and now feels like the time for another attempt at getting back to it.

Have I really learned from last time?

Am I really strong enough to get back to it?

There's only one way to find out, and avoidance isn't it.

Dougal is our cat btw...

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