
Part of the Global Picnic. This one joining in from Switzerland. It rained today, which made the picnic a bit uncomfortable and the light a bit meh.

I recently started a new blog*, so here's an extract from it on the subject of food security:

Food security - food insecurity

The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation estimate that globally over 1 billion people currently suffer from hunger. Obesity is estimated at being around 1.7 billion (Source: BBC website). Right now, in the middle of the 'cucumber crisis' we know, as we have been shown again and again: food is a killer. Having too much, having too little, having too poor quality - it is bad for your health. What we need is a steady source of just-enough, good-quality food. And that for everyone.

Food security is something we in the affluent world tend to forget about. However, for those people not producing their own food, food security should be a high priority. It is not only African children who can starve. Famine may well be for other people but malnourishment is all around us.

Food security revolves around many different factors. There is no straight causal relationship that tells us that if we stop doing X, then Y will stop too. Slow Food, for example, believes that food is tied to many aspects of life, including culture, politics, agriculture and the environment. Food security - the surety that our nutritional needs can be met in the long term (and that we can afford them, food availability does not mean that people can afford to eat) - relies on an interplay of many factors. Most of these factors are to do with habit. continue reading

*and moved it over to Tumblr today because it was less confusing than other blog thingies. However, I'm still poking around at it trying to get it to do what I want to do. I am obviously not a geek!

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