Wild in the country

By colin

Picnic for one...

... and no, I'm not sharing it with Shep, whatever he thinks.
Today Oxfam has had a big picnic, and Blipfoto has joined in the fun. I had mine by the sandy banks of the River Severn, with a Chocolate Labrador and a German Shepherd Dog.
After that we went to see the poppy field, and through Devil's Spittleful.
If you are anywhere near Bewley on the A456 do look out for the poppies as you go along the bypass, they are the local wonder of the world. You can't miss it, there's a chuck wagon and crowds lining the road with cameras.
I'll be blipping it some time over the next few days, but if you can't wait, here's a couple on Flickr. Poppies, a field, and a train.

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