A Couple of Chives

Freetime today to spend blipping was non existent and as its blowing a hoolie again I am not venturing out to the woods. A night for staying in and staying warm. Well it is only June. We should by now be considering casting our cloots as they say in these here parts. I may well just keep my simmet on for another week or two

I saw Gladders fab chive yesterday and bemoaned to him that mine were stuck up against the fence and I would neve get a decent shot. Imagine my delight after I had donned by jacket, gloves, leg warmers and mittens to venture into the garden, to find a fine bee perched on the chives. That would distract the eye from the fence I thought. I moved......it scuttered off. Damn!

So instead you have a scruffy pair of chives set against a background of spearmint and lemon thyme. Yep that's it for today. Tasty though.

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