Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

Crazy Clouds

I know - it's a corny image but the idea made me laugh. A view of my back garden from the window in the loft conversion.

Its been a strange 200 blips. The first 100 shot by in no time. The second hundred has been more patchy. I had a wobble and missed one day. I back-blipped a couple of days, a holiday shot and one shot taken late at night, but I feel back on track now, hugely helped by the extraordinary and wonderful (and totally unexpected) response to yesterdays cloud blip.

Looking back over the last 100 and comparing to the first 100 I feel things are definitely on the up. I'm much more confident handling the camera. I'm quicker to get the shot. There are less complete duffers because I've forgotten to change some setting or other. Overall I think the bar is slowly creeping upwards.

I am convinced that the main factor driving any improvement is actually getting out there and taking photographs. The main factor driving me getting out there is you fantastic fellow blippers, all your encouraging comments, your sense of humour and your fellowship.

So many, many thanks to you all and to the wonderful people at blipcentral. And ....onwards and upwards.

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