Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Oregon picnic

In the hailstorm.

We're in a KOA park north of Redmond, OR, and it is the coldest June 1st I've ever experienced in this hemisphere. We drove from Portland in rain, sleet, and hail, and had our mid-day picnic inside the cabin, talking about Oxfam and the international day of thinking about wise and sustainable ways to eat. In the afternoon we went to the High Desert Museum, seeking some indoor activity, and it was a great choice. Wonderful museum, very artful displays of American Indian history, pioneer history, QUILTS (gorgeous), and local flora and fauna. Then at home, S heated up the grill and made a fire, just before an unbelievable hailstorm broke. He rescued the coals, put them into another container on the porch, and when the storm had let up a bit, put them back in the grill at sunset (9 p.m.) and was actually able to cook grilled vegetables and some free-range chicken for them...but we had to eat inside the cabin.

This picture is straight from the camera, no processing not even a tweak or a crop. The battery on my computer is low, and we can't plug in the computer without unplugging the space heater in the cabin...and we need the space heater!

(Later replaced with a slightly tweaked version)

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