Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Kilmagig Graveyard

Just a short distance outside Avoca Village, setting for the Ballykissangel TV series of a few years ago, lies the townland of Kilmagig and in the area high above the valley floor in what is now a cornfield, lies the local Graveyard. As far as I know there are no burials taking place there nowadays and the little church is nothing more than a pile of stones.

The entire place was in terrible condition until the local community did a big clean up job about 10 years ago and I was glad to see this morning that the site has been kept in good order and indeed even improved further.

Local tradition has it that there has been a burial place here since the Celtic era, long before the coming of Christianity to Ireland and although I have no proof, it would come as no surprise to me. There are many pre Christian burial sites in the high places around the country.

Final night of my CS5 course this evening. Have learned a few new things but overall it has been a little on the disappointing side. Just as well it didn't cost me anything or I might be looking for my money back.

Catch up on you all, later.

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