Gospel according to Lel

By lelpix

Presenting ....

.... My Mum ;-)

Today we have spent all morning at the Hospital. We got a letter yesterday asking us to go today. Mum was a little upset, but it all went pretty ok. Mum had a ultrasound of her heart (Amazing to see) then she has had a heart monitor fitted that she has to wear for the next 24 hours (She isn't very happy about that) ... Then we saw the consultant cardiologist, who basically said that they need to find out why her heart stopped and what caused the heart attack!.

They seem to be ruling out anaphylactic shock, which leaves too many other possibilities. There is a chance that she may have to have a pace maker fitted, but we haven't told her in case it doesn't happen as we don't want her to get too agitated.

So now it's more tests, she has to have an MRI of her heart, and a brain scan (The effects of the Heart attack appear to have increased the memory loss) but we were told that it could take up to six months for her memory to settle down.

Then we were sent to have some bloods done and we found that there were 100 ... Yes 100 people before her, at which point she got up and announced she wasn't waiting ... Can't say I blame her. I spoke to the cardiology team who were more than happy for me to arrange for them to be done at her GP's. So on the way back we stopped off and have made her appointments.

Finally got home and she has settled back down (Thank god for the tennis) ... after Shaki's makeover yesterday I asked her if she wanted her photo taken so she could see the difference in Herself from the last few weeks. It is pretty amazing to see the change, even last week she still looked very poorly, so we have come a long way in a short time.

Mum was more than happy to have her picture done.. I love this and it is Shaki's favourite one so she chose this. Shaki says she looks so happy and well in this one and that I should use it as my blip. As I usually do as I am told, (sometimes) Here is Mum.

In Lelville today:

Dinner with friends - lovely evening last night.

Hospitals - wonderful and thoughtful staff made it an almost pleasant experience.

French Open Tennis (Again!) - Best medicine going at the minute.

Shaki - for just being her wonderful self

Mum - for being so brave, despite being scared!

Blip Buddies - for all your messages of support, Thank you ;-) xx

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