Snapshots of reality

By ktbm


Our last day in Jaipur was crazier than the day before! I also forgot to mention that I drove an autorickshaw around Jaipur!!!

Yesterday night we went for food at a small Indian place before going to the Raj Mandir cinema - an art deco place where we got seats in the diamond box for 120Rs each. We saw "Love U Mr Kalakaar", which was in Hinglish so we didn't really get the gist of any of it! It was still hilarious and a great experience, even when we were the last people to leave and the armed guards were coming in...

In the morning we met Anna for breakfast - she was staying where we wanted to stay and it was fabulous! We wish we'd stayed there. We decided to take it easy and so set off to the palace of winds, where they seem to have neglected stairs and used slopes (see pic) - but it was a really hot day! After the palace we tried to get one of our many drivers to come and pick us up but ended up just walking around the markets before getting a ride back to the hotel - harder than it seemed! Nobody knew where it was! We were meant to meet our drivers at 4pm to go to the monkey temple and tiger fort for sunset, but drama ensued and we ended up getting rid of all the drivers and making our own way to the monkey temple after food and drinks on our rooftop.
The monkey temple - we got assaulted by children, and I married one of them on the top looking out over Jaipur at sunset! He gave me his bracelet (I think he was 10) and we all went up to the sun temple where we took part in a ceremony with drums and bells, bindis, flowers and thread bracelets. On the way back down I learnt to count to 10 in Hindi (ek, do, din, cha, baj, che, saat, aat, no, das), and we got back in our auto to the hotel. Our train was at 10.25 so we headed to the station, where we waited for 3 hours and endured lots of staring by men and I met a mormon from America called Nathan!

40 degrees

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