C'est une belle vie


Over the Nile...

Early this morning we flew to Yei, South Sudan to visit Harvesters, an orphanage, school, and soon-to-be hospital. We were greeted by hundreds of singing and dancing students!

The Harvesters' team has an amazing facility housing 150 orphans with a primary school that serves 400 students. We had lots of meetings on South Sudan's education system, how kids learn, new development in the country, etc.

Tonight we visited with a community leader and friend of Stephen's, who was also a chaplain in the SPLA army. He was full of good insights on the people of South Sudan and their hope for peace.

In walking to visit Stephen's friend, we also stumbled across a funeral for a 15-year-old boy who died three days ago from malaria and typhoid. He was sick since March, and the family couldn't get access to proper medical care. It's such a reminder of how fragile life is -- here in particular -- and how tragedy becomes part of daily life just because the medicine that could have saved this young man's life was out of reach.

I continue to be inspired beyond words every time I visit this country and spend time with the Sudanese people.

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