Uh-oh I forgot to take any pictures

As usual after a big blipday, I forgot to take any pictures until just now. So you have one taken on my phone, and one taken on the camera. Ben playing! And it's half past nine at night. Half past nine, and he's still going. Actually he did say he was tired a couple of minutes ago but if I try and put him to bed before blipping it'll be half past midnight before I get down again, if I get down again. So we'll go up to bed together in a minute once this is up.

Thankyou to EVERYONE who came by and left such lovely lovely comments yesterday! What a lovely lovely way to celebrate what is really quite a big achievement for me.

Lazy day today after the excesses of yesterday. The only things on my to-do list were to have a bath and to cook a couple of hams for a shared meal tonight.

Ben poor thing got plonked in front of cbeebies by his dad this morning (stroke of genius / desperation, but thankyou my love it was a sanity saver!) with a bowl of cereal (dry, as he likes to use his fingers) and I pretty much abandoned him until about 2pm apart from refilling his bowl three times and his juice beaker twice. In that time I managed to fill in our GP transfer forms and have a bath so I was pleased with progress! Quick lunch, more cbeebies, Ben saying he wasn't tired and didn't want cuddles, until it got to the point where it was obvious he was tired because everything was making him cry. And he was asleep in minutes. At 5pm. And slept for an hour and a half which is why he's still pretty full of beans now.

But we've had a lovely meal out, and now we're home and daddy is still out leading the small group meeting. Hopefully we'll have at least got pyjamas on by the time he gets home!

In my knackeredness yesterday I forgot to thank the Blipcentral Crew, which I have been looking forward to doing!! I love this place. I keep saying that. I don't know how they've done it, but this is the only place I've ever managed to keep a journal - whether that's online or on paper - every single day for more than a couple of weeks. And I've managed a whole year now with no gaps. Ok there have been a few days which haven't been worth mentioning but I've mentioned them for that reason alone. And there have been other days where I've only mentioned a fraction of what we've done. There have been days where I've not blipped Ben (and have been told off by my mother-in-law!) and days when I've wished I had the inspiration to blip something other than him!!

I've made the spotlight a handful of times, I think the most hearts I've ever got for an image has been three, and the highest an image rated has been 20 I think. I don't really keep track of that. Just noticed yesterday's image made the TOP SPOT on spotlight for which I am properly gobsmacked!! I don't think any of my images have been that high up before!! So thankyou to everyone who came by and helped celebrate this little achievement of mine.

Here's my retrospective :)

One Hundred
Two Hundred
Three Hundred
Good Days
Funny Days
Musical Days (well there were always going to be lots of them!)
Friendship Days
Sunshiney Days
Painting Days
Drumming Days (Yes, lots of them as well)
Dude Days
Poorly Days (Been a fair few of those too)
Monkey Days
Yummy Days
Beautiful Gorgeous Ben Days
HappySad Days
SelfPortrait Days (Not done one of them for a while)
Spotty Days
Spotty Days
And many more.
There's even the very beginning of the Jumpingbean's life. Well, almost.

What a journey. And how much has that little bean changed! He won't let me call him "bean" any more. But that's ok. Really.

And it's way past ten now and we'd better get a move on to get pyjamas on hadn't we...

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