At the Louvre

Today we went to the Louvre and the Orangery. Eleven of us went and there was a bit of the "herding cats" quality to the beginning of the day. We did eventually get our Museum Passes and entered into the Louvre. It was my fourth visit, Arvin's second. Wade lead us around to some of the main sights. This is looking across the hall to the Winged Victory. Hard to describe the feeling I get when looking at an original Botticelli or Leonardo da Vinci. There is something magical about the Louvre, also something very confusing and loud. ;-) We spent several hours there ending in a good lunch at one of the cafes.

We walked through the Tuillaries towards the Orangerie. Today is a French holiday so there were crowds of people in the park. Also it was a warm and lovely day.

When we got to the Orangery we went first to the two oval shaped rooms with large paintings of the gardens at Giverny by Monet. Each time I see them I feel a combination of awe and peacefulness. Even with the crowds it was an inspiring experience.

After our visit some folks took a taxi home, Arvin among them. And some, including me, took the Metro. We ended up at a local bar and bistro for a lovely evening of good food and conversation.

Eventually all the walking and fresh air caught up with us and it was time for bed.

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