Moose Loose Aboot This Hoose

I think.

Whisky-cat has woken me up the past couple of nights with phantom mouse chasing. He's so intent that I'm sure he is chasing an actual mouse, but I haven't seen the evidence of it yet. Last night he brought the phantom mouse into the bed and I had to practically strip it, but no mouse was seen. I thought all was safe, but then Whisky began to tear books out of the bookcase. Fred shut the cat in the kitchen, but Whisky made so much noise trying to break down the door that we let him in again. Strangely, he settled down and wasn't bothered about the mouse for the rest of the night.

Edit: No phantom mouse chasing for a couple of days. I'm still not convinced that there isn't one somewhere - either dead or alive. I'll keep a lookout.

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