Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

No Signal


After the recent gales, our Sky+ box started to play up. I thought it was bout time we had another TV so that Miss J can have Kipper and Bob the Builder, while we can still watch our shows and not lose out to a toddler.

Tesco, lovely people that they are, recently sent a reminder that there were millions of unclaimed vouchers from Clubcard, and so I checked my account.

£147 pounds of those millions were mine!!!!

So a few clicks, and £130 of those vouchers were spent on a rather smart HD TV DVD Freeview thingy, which my hubby then bought a special digital arial for, as per the instructions on the box.

Several hours and much cursing and swearing, (by him - not me, I was in bed!), still no signal.

Turns out our house has 2 foot thick walls, and even the bext internal arials can't cope. So I'll now have to get a man in to fix the old roof arial before she can watch freeview.
Still, she worked out faster than hubby how to change the DVD in it!!!

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