Two Thousand Photos

By ajinternational

The Gathering Place

Perhaps less well known than it's iconic neighbour, Edinburgh Castle, the dominating Church of Scotland Assembly Hall building sits proudly casting it's authority over The Mound.

Gathering place for the Kirk's annual General Assembly, venue for the Edinburgh International Festival, and between 1999 and 2004, home to the Scottish Parliament.

It's a beautiful warm summer's day in Edinburgh - the highly accurate and super scientific ajinternational weather centre was showing a very pleasant 21 degrees earlier in the afternoon.

I really wanted to get a view of the Old Town from the rooftop terrace at the Museum of Scotland earlier. But it's still closed, and the view from the Tower Restaurant terrace just isn't quite as impressive.

However, I'm very much looking forward to the re-opening of the Royal Museum part of the complex.

'Excited about a museum opening' you say? Just a wee bit. Not that I'm biased, but in my humble opinion it is one of the best in the world! Just look at the pictures!

I just don't think the giant goldfish and their pools will be coming back...

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