By wellsforzoe

The warm heart of Africa: that's the real Malawi

Chad wrote:

Hi John,

Sorry the photo is so late coming today but it was only taken about an hour ago. It is of myself, Jean, Rhoda, her children and extended family after enjoying supper in her house. It was such an amazing experience for us to get a look at real, in the home, Malawi. We are very grateful to her for inviting us to her home and preparing a meal for us. She is such an inspiring woman, both in the way she carries and presents herself and in her enthusiasm and desire to both teach and learn. We are both truly glad to have met her.


I suppose we say that this is Rhoda's extended family as Chad says.
Rhoda is the principal of Zola Zola Government Secondary school, whom we met last year and immediately recognised her vision, unbelievable work ethic and her love for all her students.
She is a widow with seven children, living in a rented house who is months behind in getting paid her salary, a situation in which many Malawian civil servants find themselves over the past months.
As Chad remarks she is a truly remarkable woman who we have decided to help complete her own house. She has already started already having built the walls and roof and was thinking of moving in without floors or plastered walls, such is the high cost of rent.
We have a fund for teachers houses and of all those we know, she is the most deserving.
Later in the Summer maybe we'll have a house warming and another pic.
(Chad and Jean gave her a laptop and helped her to get started)

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