forty six and 2

By paulclenahan


...for my new shed to be delivered.

7am - 7pm delivery slot allocated, there's a day of my life i won't get back.

Abs made these creatures at grandma's the other day, i found them in a box on the table whilst tidying up. whenever she makes or draws things there are always three, called mammy, daddy and abigail. I haven't asked her yet, but i'm hoping i'm the cool one on the left in the stetson!

Abs and her mam have gone to the shops, whilst i tidy up a bit and unpack after belfast. time to crank up the metal on the sound dock!!!!!

in other news, if this effort gets me ten views i will pass the 10,000 mark! personal high five here (and yes that would just resemble a clap), but given my limited skills, i am immensely proud of the achievement, and grateful to those that take the time to view and comment.

To infinity............ and beyond!!!

i have now been informed i am the one on the right.....

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