Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Fun in the Sun at Watergate Bay

We have had THE best day.

Firstly, I cannot believe that after driving through Watergate Bay a million times it was the first time we have been on the gorgeous beach there and it is bloomin huge!!! Secondly the beach wasnt too busy and the sun was properly shining on us. Thirdly, and most importantly, we have had an awesome day and I have finally met LilyTheLab and her fab parents.

Seriously she is bonkers but beautiful and I think she was very well behaved. She is the first dog I have seen surfing! Lily and the boys had great fun running around chasing the ball continuously, although Casper did growl when Lily dared to go near his treats! She was very good though and just kissed him as he bared his teeth.

We had a fab time on the beach, it really was a brilliant day. I feel like I have made a really good friend in S and we look forward to the next meeting in a couple of weeks when I am working near her home. It was such an easy few hours and as though we have known each other a longer time than the few weeks we have been emailing, Blipping and tweeting.

Thoroughly wonderful, sunkissed day. We are now home and the boys are watching the football while me and mum prepare the BBQ.

Apologies if my comments are few and far between but thanks for dropping by (I am hoping this dog fest will see me Spotlight for the 3rd day in a row!)

Have a fab evening everyone x x

In the photo I am on the right and gorgeous S on the left of the first pic

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