She left me on Friday...

By DiscoDown

Arnold Clark sucks

Long story short...this is a "repaired" puncture as performed by the highly skilled technicians at Arnold Clark. This was one of two they apparently fixed. They refused to do anything about the problem but offered me a discount on a new tyre if I could drive back through to Edinburgh with this one. Instead, I went to a local tyre fitter who replaced the tyre, and another one that couldn't be repaired in the first place, for less than the "discounted price" Arnold Clark had offered in compensation for ruining a perfectly good tyre. While at the local tyre fitter, they explained why the repair hadn't worked and said it was the sort of school-boy error that would only be acceptable, at a push, had it been done by an apprentice. They also informed me that no other tyres had been fixed, nor did they need to be. So Arnold Clark had charged me for repair work on two tyres, one of which they botched and the other being a completely fictional fault and fix. Nice work if you can get it.

Thankfully, I know one of the senior managers at Arnold Clark and contacted him with the problem. While I was still pissed off with the attitude of the service manager (for service manager, read shaved ape) I was happy to accept a refund of the cost of a new tyre to end the matter. Had I not known this manager, Arnold Clark would have been happy to let me take things through the small claims court rather than just replacing the tyre. What a bunch of rank amateur muppets. There is a lesson here for all of us...don't buy your cars from a rank amateur muppet and don't get it serviced by a shaved ape.

Arnold Clark sucks.

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